Simula Research Laboratory

Simula Research Laboratory ( is seeking one
three-year full time paid PhD researcher position on data-driven
testing of autonomous agents in the Department of Validation
Intelligence for Autonomous Software Systems. The position is located
in Oslo, Norway.
This PhD project explores the combined, hybridized application of
logic-based and data-driven methods for the validation of autonomous
agents, such as collaborative or mobile robots, autonomous cars, or,
more generally, adaptive software systems. These agents need to be
reactive in a fail-safe and secure way to avoid harming humans or
causing security issues. Expected reactions are encoded in the
(high-level and abstract) security specification of the agent, either
given by domain experts or learned during construction/training.
The project will develop methods to construct test scenarios from a
specification. Diverse variations of these scenarios will validate the
agent’s resilience and functionality, including functional, i.e. the
correct execution of given tasks, and non-functional requirements,
such as security requirements or performance.
As the technological basis, we will combine and exploit techniques
from 1) software testing, including metamorphic and constraint-based
testing, and 2) artificial intelligence, including logic-based
constraint satisfaction, and data-driven machine learning, e.g.
generative adversarial networks for input synthesis and reinforcement
learning for scenario control.
The appointment starts after or in March 2023, with some flexibility.
The review of candidates will be performed continuously until the
position has been filled.
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